In a shocking incident that has stunned the Faridabad community, this unfortunate case of a vicious attack on Anshul, a Class 11 student, in the local market, is still fresh in everyone’s mind.
It was on December 24, 2004, when Anshul was attacked and mercilessly stabbed 14 times, following which ten persons alleged to have been involved in the murder were taken into custody.
Description of Incident
As per the statement of some eyewitnesses, Anshul was intercepted in the market by a group of four assailants while he was with his younger sister, Anjali.
Armed with sticks and knives, Himanshu Mathur and Rohit Dhama, identified among others, assaulted Anshul, stabbing him multiple times. The attempts made by Anjali and bystanders to rush him to the nearest hospital could not save him as he died on the following day.
History and Reason for the Attack

According to preliminary investigations, the attack was probably motivated by an earlier argument between Anshul and those accused. Anmol, a friend of Anshul, states that the accused were notorious for acts of hooliganism and drug peddling in the Baslewa colony.
Some weeks back, the men had allegedly acted badly towards the girls in the colony, and Anshul stood in their way, which led to a quarrel. It is presumed that this is the reason for retaliatory action against Anshul.
Family’s Allegations on Police Laziness
The family of Anshul has very seriously complained about the police’s negligence. They said that he had even been getting death threats long ago on Instagram, and that when they had informed the police, they simply brushed it aside and took no preventive measures.
The conduct of the police has outraged most of the Faridabad communities, which have always nurtured this habit of burning, eating, or beating would-be violent functional offenders.
Community Reaction and Action Call
The nature of the crime was so brutal that local residents, community leaders, and villagers voiced their discontent against it.
A lot of vigils and demonstrations took place, demanding more stringent law enforcement and better safety for students and young people in the area. It has also reopened the debate on the impact of delinquent groups engaged in drug trafficking and their impact on public safety.
Police’ Declarative and Assurance
Faridabad police, in response to allegations that they had chosen to be indifferent, asserted to have initiated an internal inquiry about the family’s grievances with the assurance of their commitment toward public safety and to take every step to ensure that such incidents do not recur.
They invited the citizens to alert them of any suspecting activity, assuring pointed assurance that every complaint would receive adequate attention and prompt investigation.
The tragic death of Anshul created a gaping hole-a wound-so deep in his family and the entire community.
It galvanizes an investigation into justice and a proposition to systemically modify practice to avert another senseless act of violence.
The incident reminds us solemnly of the need for vigilance, effective law enforcement, for community engagement and involvement to make the citizens secure.